Stomatological Faculty of VSMU was opened on September 1, 2001 according to the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus № 60 dated 15.03.2001. The main aim of the faculty is training of highly experienced doctors-stomatologists having deep theoretical knowledge and necessary practical skills.
Strengthening of the material and technical basis and increasing the authority of Vitebsk State Medical University so as significant shortage of doctors-stomatologists in Vitebsk and Mogilev regions were prerequisites for the opening of Stomatological Faculty. History of the development of stomatological education in VSMU is connected to the existence of three-year courses of retraining dentists to stomatologists. Theses courses were conducted on the basis of dentist’s rooms of medical institutions and at the department of ear, nose, throat and mouth diseases. They were directed by professor Karpilov G.H. The first and the last graduation of 21 doctors-stomatologists took place in 1937. Admission of 100 students to Stomatological Faculty took place again in 1955, but in 1956 it was closed due to the lack of material and technical basis and the students were transferred to General Medicine Faculty.
Associate professor of the department of hospital surgery, Candidate of Medical Sciences Kabanova Svetlana Alexeevna was appointed as the first Dean of the faculty on the 19th of March, 2001 according to the university Order number 112-л. Intensive work on the formation of the Deans’ Office of Stomatological Faculty, preparation for the training of students-stomatologists at biomedical departments of the university and the organization of admission to the 1st course were started.
50 students started their training at the 1st course of Stomatological Faculty on the 1st of September, 2001. Six students were admitted to the Faculty of Overseas Students Training on speciality “Stomatology”. Staff of Stomatological Faculty successfully carries out scientific researches. Students’ group of research and practice “Stomatology” works actively under supervision of assistant of the department of Clinical Stomatology M.A. Knyazeva and the Head of the Department of Human Anatomy professor A.K. Usovich. The group members have made training aids at the department of Human Anatomy and the department of Propaedeutic Stomatology.
Clinical site of Stomatological Faculty has started its work at the address Frunze 26, building 4 in February 2006. Eight dental treatment units, digital intraoral video camera, educational and medical furniture and equipment for the sterilization of medical instruments were purchased and installed in order to organize the process of study of therapeutic and surgical dentistry.
The first graduation of doctors-stomatologists from Vitebsk State Medical University took place in 2006. 44 graduates of Stomatological Faculty and also 6 graduates of Faculty of Overseas Students Training on speciality “Stomatology” from Lebanon, Syria, Iran, China, Latvia were awarded Diplomas. State Examination Board on speciality “Stomatology” under the guidance of the Head of the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of the Belarusian State Medical University, professor Oleg Porfiryevich Chudakov, highly appreciated the knowledge of graduates. The grade point average of their results was 4.73 %.
The University has obtained the license for conducting training on specialty “Stomatology” and clinical residency on 6 stomatological specialties: “Therapeutic Dentistry”, “Dental Orthopedics”, “Operative Dentistry”, “Pediatric Dentistry”, “Orthodontics”, “Stomatology”.
The university organized and conducted humanitarian action of doctors-stomatologists from the United States “Share the smile” in October 2006, it fostered expanded communications between the experts from the two countries and strengthened friendship and mutual understanding.
The 3rd Conference of Maxillofacial Surgeons of the Republic of Belarus was held on the basis of VSMU from the 28th of February up to the 1st of March, 2007, the employees of
Stomatological Faculty took active part in it. More than 200 delegates from different regions of the country were greeted with the telegram by Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus, former Rector of VSMU Alexander Kosinets. Leading stomatologists and maxillofacial surgeons of our country as well as faculty employees appeared at the Conference.
Department of Pediatric Stomatology and Maxillofacial Surgery, Department of Therapeutic Stomatology, Department of General Stomatology with the course of Prosthetic Stomatology were formed after the reorganization of the Department of Clinical Stomatology on the 1st of September, 2007 in accordance with the Order of Rector of Vitebsk State Medical University, professor V.P. Deikalo.
The Department of General Stomatology with the course of Prosthetic Stomatology (the head of the Department – Candidate of Medical Sciences A.P. Hromchenkov) provides training in General Stomatology of the 1st and the 2nd year students of Stomatological Faculty and training in Prosthetic Stomatology of the 3rd, the 4th and the 5th year students. The department works on the basis of Vitebsk Clinical Stomatological Polyclinic. The department has the united team of teachers: senior lecturer E.L. Machkalyan, assistants E.A. Bogrov, S.K. Denysiuk, A.M. Medvetsky, T.A. Sekatsky, A.L. Yupatov, I.Yu. Karpuk.
Department of Pediatric Stomatology and Maxillofacial Surgery (the head of Department – Candidate of Medical Sciences Zharkova O.A.) provides training of the 3rd, the 4th and the 5th year students of Stomatological Faculty in the following disciplines: Prevention of Dental Diseases, Pediatric Stomatology, Orthodontics, Maxillofacial surgery and training of the 5th year students of the General Medicine Faculty in Stomatology and Maxillofacial surgery. Employees of the department are associate professor S.A. Kabanova, senior lectirers T.N. Chernina, A.K. Pogotsky, A.K. Liora, assistants A.N. Minina, S.S. Stelmachenok, A.A. Kabanova, N.I. Kolechkina, T.I. Samarina, A.P. Taranco. Clinical bases of the department are Vitebsk Regional Clinical Hospital, Vitebsk Regional Stomatological Polyclinic, Vitebsk Pediatric Stomatological Polyclinic with equipped classrooms and treatment offices.
Department of Therapeutic Stomatology provides training of students of Stomatological Faculty in Therapeutic Dentistry and Public Dental Health, it is headed by Candidate of Medical Sciences Yu.P. Cherniavskyi. The bases of the department is clinic of Stomatological Faculty of VSMU, clinic facilities with the total area of about 800 square meters are transferred into ownership of the University. Educational process at the department is carried out by associate professors M.N. Volkova, N.A. Sakharuk, N.A. Bud’ko, senior lecturers A.A. Pozharitskaya, T.I. Pershukevich, assistants N.E. Kolchanova, N.A. Baitus.
There is all the necessary educational and training material at the departments of the Faculty, so as published lectures, educational tools. The employees of the department perform extensive medical and scientific work. The results of their research are presented at the Republican and regional scientific conferences, scientific sessions of the university each year. All the departments have organized the work of student scientific circles. The members of theses circles make scientific presentations at conferences of young scientists, participate in International and Republic Olympiades in Stomatology, repeatedly winning prizes.